Friday 5 December 2014

BangBang Into My Face, She Said

"Ariana Grande's face at Victoria's Secret Fashion Show is your new spirit meme"

Poor Ariana
She was performing at VS Fashion Show
But unfortunately, as Elsa, one of VS' angels, walk into the stage, Ariana can't react onto Elsa's wing
She was hit (or she called #bangbangintomyface) and it became an embarrassing scene
After that, she was directly compared with Taylor Swift, who was also a guest star last year

Poor kid *smirk*
Read the article on mashable here 

Or watch the video here (it's not official so the quality is bad)

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Challenge #15 - My Will

I knew him since I was a little girl
He was so cute for his age
He inherit his mother's smile, in my opinion, unlike his brother
When I first saw him and knew him, I thought he was the most perfect boy in the world

But it just broke my heart whenever saw him in grieve
He was behind the carriage of his mother's dead body
Rest in peace forever

After that, news about him and his brother became one of the most wanted
Everything about him, the schools, the friends, the sports was always be a topic

William Arthur Philip Louis is his full name
World knows him as Prince William
Her mother used to call him "drop-dead gorgeous"
Because for me also, he is *grin*

But that was an old story
He is now married, and so am I
Our story has ended some times ago *tears*
And I cried hard in the day he was married
But until now, he still has a small part inside my heart

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Challenge #`14 - Piss Off!!!

When you are in the middle of rushing to the finger-scan machine
When the clock is ticking
And it's almost 7.30 (means just in time I start working)
You are in a queue line, the second person
Right in front of you is a man, try to do the finger-scanning
You peek to see the number he got (which is the less the better)
Then he got "6", which is in your opinion it's a very good one
Then he re-enter his finger, and do the scanning once more
He got "20" and he pissed off!!!


Shit Happens!!!

Friday 28 November 2014


All of a sudden,
It's not gravity holding you to the planet
It's her... 
Nothing else matters
You would do anything... be anything for her 

Friday 21 November 2014

Challenge #13 - Ce Mot Français Appelé Deja Vu

I used to use word "dejavu" without knowing the precise meaning of it
But when I started taking french lesson at CCF (now IFI), I start to know the meaning literally
Fyi, french is so hard to understand :|

Déjà vu (dʒɑː ˈv) means already seen
Vu is a passe compose word (or past participle) from "voir" also known as see or if it is past, seen in english
Deja means already or ever

Based on wikipedia, déjà vu is a phenomenon of having the strong sensation, that an event or experience currently being experienced, has been experienced in the past, whether it has actually happened or not (can be in a dream)
The psychologist Edward B. Titchener in his book A Textbook of Psychology (1928), explained déjà vu as caused by a person having a brief glimpse of an object or situation, before the brain has completed "constructing" a full conscious perception of the experience. Such a "partial perception" then results in a false sense of familiarity

Related phenomenon is called jamais vu or "never seen"
It is a term in psychology which is used to describe any familiar situation which is not recognized by the observer
Other phenomenon is called presque vu or "almost seen"
It is the sensation of being on the brink of an epiphany, such as when attempting to recall a word or name (well I use to do this things. In short, I call it "forget")

As I often get presque vu, for sure I barely can't remember my déjà vu
So my déjà vu would be Beyonce feat Jay Z song

Know that I can't get over you
'Cause everything I see is you
And I don't want no substitute
Baby I swear it's Deja Vu
(watch the video here)

Thursday 20 November 2014

A View From The Govt

Facebook is a really good place to build public opinion
Unfortunately, it is a two-eyed blade
In other hand, you can also build bad public opinion

Recently, after government has decreased amount of fuel subsidy, many friends in my facebook said that recent government has done something bad to the have-not people
And I have a senior who is supporter for the other ex-candidate of president
She always post about something bad, but never see it in a two-way

As a government side, I just want to make it clear
And also give a good opinion to balance
Here I copy some statements from the government
So that people will know the purpose of the cutting of fuel subsidy
It it in Indonesian *cheers*

Presiden : "Pemerintah memutuskan untuk melakukan pengalihan subsidi BBM dari sektor konsumtif ke sektor-sektor produktif”

“Untuk rakyat kurang mampu disediakan perlindungan sosial dalam bentuk Kartu Indonesia Sehat (KIS), Kartu Indonesia Pintar (KIP) dan Kartu Keluarga Sejahtera (KKS) yang dapat diguakan untuk menjaga daya beli rakyat”
Menkeu : "Tambahan inflasi untuk tahun 2014 adalah sebesar 2 persen. Namun tambahan ruang fiskal yang didapat berkisar Rp110-140 Triliun"

"Akan kemana belanja produktifnya? Sebagian akan ke infrastruktur, sebagian lagi untuk memperkuat perlindungan sosial bagi keluarga miskin dan hampir miskin, dan yang paling penting tadi tentunya adalah untuk mewujudkan visi dari Presiden, termasuk untuk pembangunan di sektor maritim"

"In general, infrastruktur akan dapat perhatian besar. Tahun depan, target Rp16 triliun untuk irigasi. Saat ini, 40 persen infrastruktur irigasi rusak. Ini tujuannya untuk membantu petani dan untuk food security”
Mensos : "Mulai 18 November 2014, di 34 provinsi mulai bisa mencairkan. Dengan kantor pos kabupaten atau kota yang ditunjuk sampai 2 Desember, semua harus terealisasi dan terdistribusi"
Menteri Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/Kepala Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional : “Untuk meningkatkan produksi pangan kita, itu (anggaran subsidi) akan digunakan untuk memperbaiki irigasi yang rusak, untuk membangun irigasi yang baru. Insya Allah dalam dua tahun kita akan bisa swasembada beras”

"Di bidang energi, anggaran subsidi tersebut akan digunakan untuk meningkatkan produksi energi melalui pembangunan pembangkit listrik.

“Begitu juga untuk sektor kemaritiman dan kelautan, perbaikan jalan, pembangunan jalan baru, yang memang memprioritaskan untuk kepentingan masyarakat, untuk membuat masyarakat lebih produktif"
Direktur Eksekutif Departemen Komunikasi BI : “Meskipun terjadi peningkatan harga dalam jangka pendek, dengan bauran kebijakan Bank Indonesia dan koordinasi kebijakan yang erat dengan Pemerintah, tekanan inflasi diyakini akan tetap terkendali dan bersifat temporer”

“Kebijakan Pemerintah dalam penyaluran bantuan kepada masyarakat juga akan memitigasi penurunan daya beli masyarakat, sehingga tetap dapat kondusif bagi pertumbuhan konsumsi swasta”

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Challenge #12 - I finally Found Someone

I absolutely didn't have something in my mind when picking this theme
And maybe, most of other bloggers will be annoyed by writing down about this thing

But hey, I chose it
So here we go

hemf...let me think about it???
He who must not be named, was my friend
He is still my friend but we rarely communicate since he was married and so do I

He was my friend from elementary school
We were also in the same junior high school
We were a good friend, but both of us don't have courage to show our interest toward each other
So it came when he suddenly got into relationship with a friend from junior high, my world was torn apart
*ok, I'm overrated*
But then I also fell into another relationship with a man in school too

Years after, we went to different senior high
I'm no longer with the man, he also no longer with the girl
We came closer again
But never got into any so-called relationship
*oh really, do I have to tell it all over again?*

But now I realize, there's always a reason why
After a long-lost-tiring-unclear-so-called-friendship relationship
We got into a real man-woman relationship in 2010, right after I graduated from university
At this time, I realize that we were way better being a friend rather than lover
Our relationship was only for 3 months
A very short time comparing to our long-lost-tiring-unclear-so-called-friendship relationship
Maybe, Allah gave us a reason for finding the best person after that
A year after, I found a man, I called "sayang" for now and on
He also has found a woman as his wife
And both of us finally has found someone, for each of us

What did I do? What did I write?
Consider that I didn't write anything here

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Challenge #11 - Takishīdo Kamen

My childhood hero would be my couple in fighting the bad guys

As I was the sailor moon, for sure Tuxedo Mask or Takishīdo Kamen was my superhero
Or also known as Mamoru Chiba

As a little girl, and grew up by watching anime, I never missed to watch sailor moon
And I only have a reason to watch it, because I was the sailor moon *grin*
And I can't wait to see Tuxedo Mask 

The way he rescued me *as the sailor moon*
The romance between us *grin*
What's better than
"You and me against the world?"
Ahhhh .... My Mamoru

Monday 10 November 2014

The Return of Ada Apa Dengan Cinta?

I'm in love (again)

Back in 2002, I was very much in love with a man
I felt for him so many times until I was in university and met him in person
I was soooooooooo crazy in love with him

But then, Life is moving on
I have my love and life today

Until, suddenly ...
He came back to my life last week
I came to fall for him once more

ARghhkk...I'm going crazy
Nicholas Saputra!!!!!

In 2002, Ada Apa Dengan Cinta? was very a big hit movie
It's about the love of Cinta and Rangga
At the end of the movie, Rangga left Cinta for New York
But he promised to return soon

Last friday, LINE, a communication application released the mini drama about the the after-story
About Rangga coming to Indonesia, and try to find Cinta
After watching the mini drama
I know that the sparks between me and Nicholas is still there
Aihhhhhh ....

ps: you can watch the mini drama by clicking the link above

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Challenge #10 - A Walk To Remember

Actually, lil bit hard to find the saddest movie since I (mostly) shed tears everytime i watch drama movie
But suddenly, i remember when I did a phone talk in Prambors radio

Have you ever watched film called "a walk to remember"?

It was released in 2002 and played by Mandy Moore and Shane West as the main stars
Based on IMDB's plot summary, the film is about "A prank on a fellow high-school student goes wrong, popular but rebellious Landon Carter (Shane West) is threatened with expulsion. His punishment is mandatory participation in various after-school activities, such as tutoring disadvantaged children and performing in the drama club's spring musical. At these functions he is forced to interact with quiet, bookish Jamie Sullivan (Mandy Moore), a girl he has known for many years but to whom he has rarely ever spoken. Their differing social statures leave them worlds apart, despite their close physical proximity."

The saddest moment came when at the end of the story, Jamie is dead because of cancer after she was married with Landon
But before she died, Landon was trying to fulfill various wishes on Jamie's list, such as building her a telescope so she can see a comet.
picnic at night under the sky full of stars, isn't it too sweet?
They were also getting married in the same chapel as was Jamie's deceased mother
This one is on the top of Jamie's wish list
I shed tears so hard whenever I watch the part when Landon visits Jamie's father, 4 years later
It is also when Landon has finished his study in medical school
Landon told Jamie's father that he was sorry he could not grant Jamie's wish to witness "a miracle" before she died.
But then, her father says "She did. It was you"
Ahhhhh ~~~~~ I'm starting to cry now

For the last part, I'll show you some sweet quotes from the film

~~ Jamie: You have to promise you won't fall in love with me.
~~ Landon: That's not a problem.
(it was at the beginning of their meeting)

~~ Landon: Jamie... I love you.
[long pause]
~~ Landon: Now would be the time to say something
~~ Jamie: I told you not to fall in love with me
(it was when they start dating)

Landon: Our love is like the wind... I can't see it, but I sure can feel it
*I'm melting here
Over and out ....

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Challenge #9 - We Will Still Be Friend Forever

Reunion in a simple words (for me) is about nongkrong (term for hanging out with my old school university gang)

Back in the university, I have bunch of friends that I always hanging around with
After we all graduated from university, having a job or having our own little family, we sometimes still meet up just to hang out
Hang out in our term is just chating about our own boss or any other things
For another example, for us who already get married, we'll talk about married life
And it's the part my other friend (who has not married yet) is mad about

At least for me, when I hang around with them, I feel a little bit lighter that I can share my stories with them
And I won't say much because picture will speak louder

I present to you : (clockwise order)
Me - Diah - Novi - Asni - Asni's Husband named Haikal - Dara's Husband named Wisnu - Dara - Sefti - Sefti's Fiancee named Prabu - (FOR SURE) My Husband

Actually, there are couple more, but unfortunately some of them have moved to another city
Riska is now in Kalimantan
Linda is having master degree in London
Putri is a newly-wed in process for moving to Garut
Niken is currently having training in Surabaya
The last one is Dini, she's our dear beloved friend is currently rest in peace close to Allah *smile*

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Challenge #8 - It's a Snack Time!!!

My Favorite snack at the office is .... (almost) ANYTHING I can find near me

Blog theme of the week challenges me to tell you about snacking at the office
Recently, I have two **expensive** snacks on my table
I bought them from an online shop
There are two types of snack, veggie and fruit chips
I have emptied the veggie one, and will do the fruit later

Now let me tell you the taste
Based on  the info from the webpage, healthy veggie chips is a healthy snack made from organic-pesticide-free veggies , baked and vacuumed without oil, without salt or MSG or any preservatives

That's what healthy is!!!
**Btw, I shed tears by buying this. It broke me. But it's good. Really

The veggie contains mushrooms, peas, carrots, and others veggie I don't know what to call them
The taste was so tender and sweet. Love the mushrooms

From the picture, the right one is the fruit chips. I can't tell the taste, but I bet it would be great too. It contains apples, kiwis, bananas, strawberries, etc

Besides those two, I also have a jar with chocolate cookies
I used to have Oreo but at this time, I don't have them
I also love to pile up some chocolate bars in my table drawer
Well, for the bars, for sure, I'll keep it as a secret so none will come and take them

some extras

 **ps: the picture above is my own personal kitchen hehehe

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Baby's First Food

I rarely do some cooking thing
I also ... well ... won't say that I am good at cooking
But ... I like cooking ... really!
Errr ... but don't talk about the taste ... I mean, it's good for me
But ... don't know anybody else *grin*

But ... (well I always start with a but)
Since my baby turned into 6 months old and she is ready to eat solid food
I am officially a cook ... for her :p

Today I'm going to share one of the easiest first food
It's .......... *drumroll ............ Pear Puree
I love Xiang lie or Packham (Here in Indonesia, those are two kinds of pear I usually use)
Color of the skin for both of the pear is green, a little different with another kind that color pale yellow

So what you need to prepare

one Xiang lie / Packham Pear
image by google
a knive
a saucepan and steamer + the lid
a cup of water
a baby food grinder / blender / strainer

Now it's time to cook

  • First, wash the pear under a running water, then peel the skin. I know the skin contains many good thing, but you don't need it for first food since it is a little bit hard to let the skin go *let it gooo let it goo
  • You also have to throw away the core, and after that cut the pear into smaller pieces
  • Put the water into the saucepan, place the steamer and put the pear into the steamer
  • If all set, cover the steamer with lid, and turn on the stove
  • You will need about 5 minutes so the pear will soften
  • Once the pear is already soften, put the pear into a baby food grinder or blender or just strainer

(I also will tell you about the differences among the three)
A blender is the most useful machine if you want to make a large number of Pear Puree so you can freeze it and store it for about 1 month (or more, but don't recommend it)
A baby food grinder or strainer are about at same function. But it has a little different texture compared to blender
Grinder/Strainer will give you more chunky texture
So it just about preference

Fyi, if you don't have pear, apple would also be a great first food
I love to use Royal Gala or ... Red Washington ... It would be great also

Andraya is very much in love with my cooking. TRUE!!!

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Challenge #7 - Rainbow Troops

Really, I can't say anything about the best book I ever read
I like reading books (I can't say that I love reading books)
I am a book person but in term that I love buying books, leave them in the bookcase, and totally forgot about it ... until (suddenly) I want to read something in my way to office
Don't hate me please?

So the best books I've ever read for this week challenge is presented by ... my husband
I interview him about the best books he's ever read
Me : M
Him: H

M : So, I have to write about the best books I've ever read for this week challenge. I really don't know what to write. I'm going to ask you and write about your answer. Are you ready?
H : *stare strangely*
*ok, he is a weirdo himself anyway*
*peace* #kisshimatcheek*
M : In your opinion, what is the best book you've ever read?
H : For me, it's tetralogy of Rainbow Troops (it's Laskar Pelangi in Indonesian)
M : Woa, why?
H : Because ... it's full of inspirations. About friendship and also hardworks. And also if I'm not mistaken, the books itself also inspire so many teachers to do a good thing like Bu Muslimah did
M : Woaaaaaa ... anything else? about the art of the writing?
H : Yeah, it's great for a person that didn't have a background of literature. He was an economic graduate, right?

M : Yeah right. Anything else?
H : And also, the movie. It means that it's a good book so that Mirles turn it into a movie. After that, both the book and the movie did make a good invitation for people visiting Belitung. Right?
M : Right. Anything Else?
H : Nope
M : Okay

Actually, I also read the tetralogy. I am also deeply in love with the movie made by Mirles
I am now thinking about having a vacation with my families there
Ah ... it will be great

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Challenge #5 - The Financial Activity

The theme for this week blog challenge is "dibuang sayang"
I think that phrase in english is something that too precious too be wasted
But in my case, it's just ... I'm too lazy to discard those things
So here is mine ... Bank receipt


I have sooooo many more of them back in my home
I kept it reason
I collect them because my dad once told me to keep them, always, everytime I was doing thing related to the money machine
So I (or him) could always monitored my financial activity
Nowadays, I still keep on printing the receipt but I reduce the quantities, so I can save trees *grin

Well now, I'm too in love with my online financial activity *biggrin
Well hey ... I'm trying to save trees !!!!!!!

Wednesday 1 October 2014

SOTD #13 - Thing That (Almost) Forgotten

Suddenly, I just remember that I haven't post this video on blog
This is one of the most important part about my wedding
This is it .....
My wedding video

I made this video about two weeks before my wedding day
The idea for making this video just popped in my mind that I want to have a DIY
At that day, I was really in love with a song by Ingrid Michaelson called can't help falling in love
Actually, the song was originally sang by Elvis Presley, and yes! I also love Elvis so bad

So, here it is

Tuesday 30 September 2014

SOTD #12 - The Mess I Made

I can't hold myself (not) to write *or brag actually*

Lately, so many of my friends comment about how messy is my office desk
I put some snack jars, a few collection of my CDs, a pile of my paperworks, and also the stationary
I realize that my desk is "kinda" messy
But somehow, I just love it and feel so comfortable

And today, I find an article about correlation of messy people compared to his/her creativity

The article starts with a question
Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein, and Mark Twain. What is one thing these three visionaries have in common?

And the answer is they all had very messy workspaces

I copy some statements from the page
"These three game-changers were never ones to follow the crowd. We can see this by how unconventionally disorganized their desks are. There was a method to this madness: under the mass of papers, magazines, and various objects, there is a sense of organization only the creator can operate through,"

He is Einstein

Raise your hand if you don't know him. He's Mark, ya kno

A group of psychologies led by Kathleen D. Vohs. said that people with a messy room tend to be more creative. She said that from a mess, he/she could find a fresh idea.
"My advice, if you think out of the box, let the mess comes and releases some imaginations,"

Einstein himself once said that "If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?"


Anyway, here's a glimpse of my office desk *grin*

oh well, I did make a little shipshape :P

Thursday 25 September 2014

Challenge #4 - Not-That-Kind-of-UP-Character

Good afternoon. My name is Russell. And I am a wilderness explorer in tribe 54, Sweat lodge 12. Are you in need of any assistance today, sir?


I could help you cross the street


I can help you cross your yard.


I could help you cross your porch.


Well, I gotta help you cross something.

No, I'm doing fine.

I might not as active as Russel in "UP" movie
Of course I was a girl-scout

And it was at the day I still in the elementary school

I used to love doing scout-clapping
*clap clap clap, clap clap clap clap clap clap (I forgot the rhyme)
I used to love turning the tie into a red-white rose
*can you or can you not? *grin

But what I loved most was the camp
I once joined the camp for two days in my school
The only reason was my ex-boyfriend is one of the boyscout too
*don't tell my husband
Well, tell him anyway, he wouldn't bother *biggrin

end of story
no moral lesson can be taken

Thursday 18 September 2014

Challenge #3 - Heil Dental Floss!

Saya lagi bosen mikirin bikin kalimat dalem bahasa Enggris
Boleh ya pake Bahasa Indonesia? digado-gado deh kalo gak sama bahasa Enggris

Tema ketiga Blog Challenge adalah thing(s) i can't live without
Darisini udah kepikiran benda apa itu
Yang pasti yah henpon dan token mandiri (oke bukan duit)
Selain itu, mungkin cuma saya satu-satunya yang gak bisa survive tanpa benda ini *haelah*
 This is it!!!!

Mestinya merk-nya ditutup, tapi saya gak bisa ngeburem-bureminnya
Yaudahlah yah, anggap saja Oral B utang jasa ng-iklan di blog saya
Etapi, emang merk ini yang paling oke (dari beberapa yang saya coba)

Kenapa benda kecil ini jadi superhero buat saya?
Karena gigi saya strukturnya jarang-jarang
Jadi, sehabis makan pasti selalu ada sisa makanan nempel
Dan ..... Man!!!!!
It feels suck!!
Coba deh bayangkan dan rasakan, ada sisa daging ayam nempel di sela-sela gigi, dan gak bisa diatasi hanya dengan pake tusuk gigi
Heil Dental Floss!!!!!

Friday 12 September 2014

I Forget to Remember

I remember
I made this blog to write anything about the ocean


I remember
I swore to dive with a blue whale once before I die


I remember
I will dive with Mola-Mola and touch Manta in Bali


I remember
It's almost 4 years since my last dive


Wednesday 10 September 2014

New Life #3 Challenge #2 - Happy 7months, Andraya

When I was pregnant, I knew that my life would change dramatically
When I was giving birth, I knew that the pain would replaced by a great happiness
This story is about my new life with a baby named Andraya, and also for answering the challenge with my office mates

I delivered my baby by Sectio Caesarea (SC)
Every time I heard about SC, my wound feels like it is wide open again
But well, there's always sacrifice you gave as a mother
I couldn't delivered with a normal process was because my child's head was up so it blocked her way out
I was so frightened that I has already prepared myself for a normal one
And there she goes my beautiful angel named Andraya (I've told you about the meaning of her name here)

The different between SC and normal is the painful moment *grin
In normal process, you'll feel the pain at the moment you're delivering
In SC, you'll feel the pain after (and after and after and after again) the process
Because in SC, you'll get anesthetic at spinal for paralyzing you to feel the pain
But after the drugs had gone, the pain will come and it's so .... *nuff said

But the moment when your child has birth is the moment of life
I felt the tears fall down in my cheek as the she was brought to my chest
Now I am officially a mom

Today, she is already a 7th months old baby

It just feels like yesterday she was a small baby
Today, she is almost 8 kilos, while she was only 3 kilos back in February
Happy 7-mo Andraya
My precious baby girl
Mommy and Daddy loves you so bad 

The Happy Little Feet

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Challenge #1 - Jelangkung, Jelangkung

This story is for Blog Challenge with my office mate
I introduce you to
Niwa, Yessi, Iin, Fieta, Hayyu and Findo 
As the last member, here is Haru

I never fond of horror movie
I had had a very bad experience of it, once I was a child
Back in 2001, there was an Indonesian horror movie called "Jelangkung"
Jelangkung itself is doll used as a media for spirit
You play the game, sing the song and the spirit will come to the doll

Well... most of my friends said that the film isn't as horror as it should be
So I dare myself, the 13 years-old kid, to watch it on TV
I was accompanied by my cousin
The film started at night, about 22.00 o'clock
So it finished at almost midnight
For me, the film was a very-much frightening
But I kept on going watching

After the film had finished, I jumped up to bed and sleep
Guess what?
I barely can sleep
My brain was playing inside my head, and I felt so much horror
I tried to close my eyes, wrapped my body with blanket
But the feeling was still can't go away
Can you imagine that feeling?
It was terrible
And I know that it was just a feeling

So ...
After that I always try to deny any invitations to watch horror movies
You know, that kind of movies can shorten my life
I better find something fun to watch

by the way, I am adding a good article to read relating horror

Wednesday 3 September 2014

New Life #2 - I'm back .... (again)

I'm back (again)
It's almost a year since my last update
(and I wrote almost the same introduction)

I am officially a mother now *grin*
Mother of a pretty little baby girl name Andraya Kara Maheswari
Here is she
How cute is she, right?

The meaning of her name is quite complicated
My husband gave it ... Yeas, Her daddy
Maheswari means angel
Kara means glowing
Andraya means gift from God
So...just find out yourself about the meaning

From now on, you might find me updating the blog often
I'm joining the challenge with my office mate for updating the blog
For starting, I will tell you about my new life as mother

Welcome aboard, folks!!!