Tuesday 18 November 2014

Challenge #12 - I finally Found Someone

I absolutely didn't have something in my mind when picking this theme
And maybe, most of other bloggers will be annoyed by writing down about this thing

But hey, I chose it
So here we go

hemf...let me think about it???
He who must not be named, was my friend
He is still my friend but we rarely communicate since he was married and so do I

He was my friend from elementary school
We were also in the same junior high school
We were a good friend, but both of us don't have courage to show our interest toward each other
So it came when he suddenly got into relationship with a friend from junior high, my world was torn apart
*ok, I'm overrated*
But then I also fell into another relationship with a man in school too

Years after, we went to different senior high
I'm no longer with the man, he also no longer with the girl
We came closer again
But never got into any so-called relationship
*oh really, do I have to tell it all over again?*

But now I realize, there's always a reason why
After a long-lost-tiring-unclear-so-called-friendship relationship
We got into a real man-woman relationship in 2010, right after I graduated from university
At this time, I realize that we were way better being a friend rather than lover
Our relationship was only for 3 months
A very short time comparing to our long-lost-tiring-unclear-so-called-friendship relationship
Maybe, Allah gave us a reason for finding the best person after that
A year after, I found a man, I called "sayang" for now and on
He also has found a woman as his wife
And both of us finally has found someone, for each of us

What did I do? What did I write?
Consider that I didn't write anything here


Unknown said...

terjebak tema sendiri :3 alesan aja hinih, emang pengen curhat kan xD

Jessie said...

iya, gw setuju. sebenernya dia pengen aje tuh cerita tapi pake alasan gitu di blog, biar ada justifikasi bwahahahahahahahahahaha

fietha said...

eh lau, tanggungjawab bikin Haru tidur di luar, sama si findo yang melow tak berkesudahan hahahahahaha

amelia said...

enak aje!!!!