I'm back ....
Well I've been kept myself away from wedding things
I'll return home tomorrow
And I'm ready to discuss every thing about the wedding with my parents
I'll be okay *smile*
Back to our ordinary love life, I asked him to accompany me watching "Breaking Dawn II"
And after that, I felt like a mean girlfriend, because (I know) the film was so boring
He slept in the middle of the film, and I let him slept
Poor my baby sunshine *grin*
By the way, he might be the only man living, for loving me playing soccer instead of dancing
Tuesday, 4 December 2012
Sunday, 18 November 2012
The WedPrep #7 - flatness
Research on websites was making me sick
So I decided to visit some vendors for cards and souvenirs
This weekend, I got 4 days off from office and I have planned 2 days for searching
We went to Jatinegara and Kelapa Gading
Now, a new problem came
Too many options made me confused
Plus the weather was so very hot and I can't stand it
But I've saved some phone numbers so I can contact
Next week, there'll will be wedding festival at JCC
I have talked to him to accompany me coming and he agree (of course!)
Last night, suddenly thoughts crossed my mind
I think about my future with him and I feel insecure
Can I live happily ever after?
Can we be a good parents for our (future) baby(ies) ?
Can I be a good wife?
Can I be a good mom?
Will he love me until the end of time?
Et Cetera ....
It's maybe caused by my period
Sometimes, I'm being too sensitive in my period time
Arranging the wedding should be full of fun
Maybe I pushed myself to hard
I just need to control my mind better *sigh*
I was planning to have a little break with him
No ... I mean that maybe I need a time alone or with my friends
Maybe I just don't know what to speak to him
I don't know how to communicate well in this level of sensitivity
Yeah right, communication student that can't communicate *sigh*
Yeah right, communication student that can't communicate *sigh*
Monday, 12 November 2012
The WedPrep #6 - exhausted
I give up to make my wedding simple
Long before, I decided to make the reception in a simple way
As I always saw in some wedding website
I once thought to or choose the decorations by my own
Pick the color as I wished
Make my own invitation cards and choose the souvenirs as much as the budget I have
But, since my parents have arranged
The decorations, The wedding dress and others will be done in traditional way
We'll wear Aesan Gede, traditional dress of Palembang
And the decorations will also be done in that way
So all I need is to endure myself not too stubborn in making some changes (or many) *sigh*
The bad news is I still can't choose the design for my wedding card
Or worse, I also still can't decide the souvenirs
Now, it's already less than 5 months
Only 10 % ready from 100 (which 10 is that I've picked date and place)
Allah, give me strength *cry*
Sometimes I wished that I don't have to think about every body else
So I can make it simpler, cheaper and easier
So I don't have to spend my time to think all about the preparations all the time
Now, I feel exhausted even before the day comes *sigh*
Last weekend, me, him and my parents went to Mangga Dua
My dad insisted to order the souvenirs at that time
Fortunately, I also insist to check some other places to compare from prices and quality
And my dad agreed
@dwhyr has finished the card's design ... It's so cute *smile*
Now I just have to check for prices if I want to print it on a Songket
Today I've been doing some researches on some wedding website
I also text many cards and souvenirs vendors
Wish us luck!!!
me : What do you want for the souvenirs? I think about photo holder or pen holder
him: ...
me : glass?
him: too ordinary
me : pen? notebook?
him: too ordinary
me : small purse?
him: too ordinary
me : so what?
him: .... *flatface* ... I don't know
me : grrrrrrrrrrrrr --"
Long before, I decided to make the reception in a simple way
As I always saw in some wedding website
I once thought to or choose the decorations by my own
Pick the color as I wished
Make my own invitation cards and choose the souvenirs as much as the budget I have
But, since my parents have arranged
The decorations, The wedding dress and others will be done in traditional way
We'll wear Aesan Gede, traditional dress of Palembang
And the decorations will also be done in that way
So all I need is to endure myself not too stubborn in making some changes (or many) *sigh*
The bad news is I still can't choose the design for my wedding card
Or worse, I also still can't decide the souvenirs
Now, it's already less than 5 months
Only 10 % ready from 100 (which 10 is that I've picked date and place)
Allah, give me strength *cry*
Sometimes I wished that I don't have to think about every body else
So I can make it simpler, cheaper and easier
So I don't have to spend my time to think all about the preparations all the time
Now, I feel exhausted even before the day comes *sigh*
Last weekend, me, him and my parents went to Mangga Dua
My dad insisted to order the souvenirs at that time
Fortunately, I also insist to check some other places to compare from prices and quality
And my dad agreed
@dwhyr has finished the card's design ... It's so cute *smile*
Now I just have to check for prices if I want to print it on a Songket
Today I've been doing some researches on some wedding website
I also text many cards and souvenirs vendors
Wish us luck!!!
me : What do you want for the souvenirs? I think about photo holder or pen holder
him: ...
me : glass?
him: too ordinary
me : pen? notebook?
him: too ordinary
me : small purse?
him: too ordinary
me : so what?
him: .... *flatface* ... I don't know
me : grrrrrrrrrrrrr --"
Thursday, 8 November 2012
After not seeing him for 8 days, I terribly miss him a lot *grin*
We met yesterday and I can't help myself to smile every time I saw him
He came to Depok in the night
We ate Meat ball and he ate so much
He showed me his pictures in London
It relieved me that he bought new scarf, winter glove, jacket, and fedora hat
Now someone is already know how to dress up well
He's so gorgeous ... for me (Yeah .. I guess I'm the only on enchanted by his weirdness *grin*)
me : Will you wear your fedora when we hang out?
him: Ok
me : woooooooooowww .... Magiccc!!! Now you know how to dress well ...
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
He's home today *smile*
I'm extremely happy because tomorrow I can meet him
I've lost for words to say ... HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY
I'm extremely happy because tomorrow I can meet him
I've lost for words to say ... HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY
Monday, 5 November 2012
The WedPrep #5 - 5 more months
It's weird that I am now in a condition of losing the passion to plan my wedding
So dangerous :(
Since he left, I got cough and cold ... My body is so overrated *sigh*
Tomorrow will be counted as less-than-5-months to my wedding day
My mom kept calling me asking about the invitation design, which I haven't got yet
So if I didn't have it till next week, my parents will also take the lead *dead*
Now, I decide to make checklist ... and running my checklist every monday
At least, I have something to love on monday *grin*
@dwhyr has planned to design my invitation in couple days as I gave her the wording
@niwadesu made me a new picture, which is extremely cute *biggrin*
I love it so much
So dangerous :(
Since he left, I got cough and cold ... My body is so overrated *sigh*
Tomorrow will be counted as less-than-5-months to my wedding day
My mom kept calling me asking about the invitation design, which I haven't got yet
So if I didn't have it till next week, my parents will also take the lead *dead*
Now, I decide to make checklist ... and running my checklist every monday
At least, I have something to love on monday *grin*
@dwhyr has planned to design my invitation in couple days as I gave her the wording
@niwadesu made me a new picture, which is extremely cute *biggrin*
I love it so much
me : You went to two countries I love most
him: Yeah ... You've told me, right?
me : How much did you miss me?
him: Much ... I've told you, right?
me : Riiiighhhhhhttttttt ggrrrrrrrrr .......
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
The WedPrep #4 - Intermezzo
He left for London this morning
He DM me through Twitter, said that he was in Dubai for a while
And now I miss him already *sad*
He'll be back on 6th, November .. which means it's 8 more days
Last night, we went eating to a small seafood stall
Surprisingly, I chose to eat scallop, kinda weird because it's hard to be eaten as you must peel off the shell
30 minutes we ate, 27 minutes I need to open the shell
For me, it seems I don't want to be back home so fast
I just want to spend more time with him, as he'll leave me for a week
When I arrived home, I held myself not to cry *sad*
And I plan to return home earlier from office ... Feeling weird because most of my after-office activities I spent with him
This afternoon, my dad texted me about the invitation design - yess ... for the wedding
And I haven't got it yet
With some changes I made with @dwhyr yesterday, she will work on it soon
Good news is @niwadesu has finished the picture of us
IT'S SO EXTREMELY CUTE!!!! and I love it
I'll show it later *biggrin*
I did some origami in my spare time. Here is the picture
me : Mas, What will I do if I miss you?
him: *flatface*
me : Mas, It will be hard for me to contact you due to the timezone
him : *flatface*
me : It's 8 days !!!
him: Overrated! It's only 8 days
me : *sad*
He DM me through Twitter, said that he was in Dubai for a while
And now I miss him already *sad*
He'll be back on 6th, November .. which means it's 8 more days
Last night, we went eating to a small seafood stall
Surprisingly, I chose to eat scallop, kinda weird because it's hard to be eaten as you must peel off the shell
30 minutes we ate, 27 minutes I need to open the shell
For me, it seems I don't want to be back home so fast
I just want to spend more time with him, as he'll leave me for a week
When I arrived home, I held myself not to cry *sad*
And I plan to return home earlier from office ... Feeling weird because most of my after-office activities I spent with him
This afternoon, my dad texted me about the invitation design - yess ... for the wedding
And I haven't got it yet
With some changes I made with @dwhyr yesterday, she will work on it soon
Good news is @niwadesu has finished the picture of us
IT'S SO EXTREMELY CUTE!!!! and I love it
I'll show it later *biggrin*
I did some origami in my spare time. Here is the picture
me : Mas, What will I do if I miss you?
him: *flatface*
me : Mas, It will be hard for me to contact you due to the timezone
him : *flatface*
me : It's 8 days !!!
him: Overrated! It's only 8 days
me : *sad*
Monday, 29 October 2012
The WedPrep #3 - Early Morning
I'm Back Again!!!
I forget to update the blog. Okay ... mostly I forgot about the things I would like to write
As my wedding date is about 5 months to go, my mom and dad are getting more exciting
My dad sent me a lot of pictures to my phone about the decoration
My mom kept asking me about doing pre-wedding photo
And about this pre-wedding photo session, I have talked to him
And as I've guessed, he declined
(just think about me taking his picture is already exhausted, taking pre-wedding photo session will take a lifetime --")
For invitation, I've asked Dewi @dwhyr to help me doing the design *smile*
But I'm still confused about the whole theme for the wedding
I also asked @niwadesu 's help to design our picture in replacement to pre-wedding photo
Instead of preparing for the wedding, We're busy of preparing his stuffs for destination London
But whole winter apparels are so expensive *sad*
Last Weekend, We stayed overnight in our friend's home, made Satay and played soccer game (It was him who played, me sleeping)
He will leave for London tomorrow *sad*
(next morning after the overnight stay)
me : Ke Sency yok? Cari syal buat kamu
him: Ayok!!! (It's a surprising answer. More over, It's MAGIC!)
(and so we were. Came to Senayan City, with a condition not having a bath yet or brush teeth. He changed his t-shirt, me covered my t-shirt with jacket. And we both just worn sandals. What A Look!!!)
I forget to update the blog. Okay ... mostly I forgot about the things I would like to write
As my wedding date is about 5 months to go, my mom and dad are getting more exciting
My dad sent me a lot of pictures to my phone about the decoration
My mom kept asking me about doing pre-wedding photo
And about this pre-wedding photo session, I have talked to him
And as I've guessed, he declined
(just think about me taking his picture is already exhausted, taking pre-wedding photo session will take a lifetime --")
For invitation, I've asked Dewi @dwhyr to help me doing the design *smile*
But I'm still confused about the whole theme for the wedding
I also asked @niwadesu 's help to design our picture in replacement to pre-wedding photo
Instead of preparing for the wedding, We're busy of preparing his stuffs for destination London
But whole winter apparels are so expensive *sad*
Last Weekend, We stayed overnight in our friend's home, made Satay and played soccer game (It was him who played, me sleeping)
He will leave for London tomorrow *sad*
(next morning after the overnight stay)
me : Ke Sency yok? Cari syal buat kamu
him: Ayok!!! (It's a surprising answer. More over, It's MAGIC!)
(and so we were. Came to Senayan City, with a condition not having a bath yet or brush teeth. He changed his t-shirt, me covered my t-shirt with jacket. And we both just worn sandals. What A Look!!!)
Monday, 22 October 2012
The WedPrep #2 - SAVE THE DATE
Dear Beloved Friends,
Me and Him are attempting to answer life's greatest question ...
So, Save The Date of our wedding day *bigsmile*
Ceremony :
The Fifth of April
Two Thousand and Thirteen
in Palembang
Reception :
The Sixth of April
Two Thousand and Thirteen
in Palembang
Me and Him would be delighted if you could join us
Invitation to follow
~Me and Him~
Me and Him are attempting to answer life's greatest question ...
So, Save The Date of our wedding day *bigsmile*
Ceremony :
The Fifth of April
Two Thousand and Thirteen
in Palembang
Reception :
The Sixth of April
Two Thousand and Thirteen
in Palembang
Me and Him would be delighted if you could join us
Invitation to follow
~Me and Him~
I Made It Myself *grin* |
Sunday, 21 October 2012
The WedPrep #1 - The One Ring
If you were a fan of The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, you will recognize The One Ring
In short, The One Ring is the most powerful ring that once ruled Middle Earth
I own one now *smile*
But for me, it's ring that empower me to rule a heart *eaaaaa*
It was my proposing day yesterday
His mother gave me this ring so that it could "bind" us (or maybe bind me? *grin*)
I hope, we both can keep our heart for ever and more
May Allah always protects us
me : my heart beats fast, don't you?
him: enggak
me : arrghhhh 6 bulan lagi. kamu ga deg-degan?
him: enggak
me : 6 bulan kan cepet ...
him: masih lama ini
me : yeahhhh .. whatever!
him: *flatface*
In short, The One Ring is the most powerful ring that once ruled Middle Earth
I own one now *smile*
But for me, it's ring that empower me to rule a heart *eaaaaa*
It was my proposing day yesterday
His mother gave me this ring so that it could "bind" us (or maybe bind me? *grin*)
I hope, we both can keep our heart for ever and more
May Allah always protects us
![]() |
*ps: here is the photo |
me : my heart beats fast, don't you?
him: enggak
me : arrghhhh 6 bulan lagi. kamu ga deg-degan?
him: enggak
me : 6 bulan kan cepet ...
him: masih lama ini
me : yeahhhh .. whatever!
him: *flatface*
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
Singapore Surviving Story
I went to Singapore last weekend with Yessika and Iin, just to spent some days escaping from work
It is my third times coming to Singapore, and the last time I came was on February 2012
My main destination is Universal Studio Singapore (USS)
And it was awesome here
From my 3-days journey, I'll give some guidance if you also planning to come to Singapore or playing at USS
1. I stayed at Five Stones Hostel on Clarke Quay. It is nice being here because it's so comfy and quite clean. It's a grey building, separated for two hostel, 2-3 for Five Stones Hostel. whereas 4-6 is for Capsule Hostel. On 2nd floor and 3rd floor, there are some rooms, with 6 mixed bunk beds. So your roommate could be a man or woman. My fave place is the shared living room, also at this floor. It's so cozy, with options of playing Wii, watching movies through DVD or cable TV. The man shower room is 2nd floor, and the woman shower room is on the 3rd floor. The cleanness is depend on how you keep the cleanness itself. Some guest was leaving the dirt every time they used toilet or shower room.
How to get there : The easiest way is by taxi for sure). But if you were a budget traveler, you can use MRT, alight at Clarke Quay, find an exit heading to New Bridge Road, just cross the street to find Hongkong Street, it's just a little steps more so you can find the building. I tried bus number 80, and it stop right in front of the building. You can find the bus at HarbourFront or Vivo City.
How to get there : The easiest way is by taxi for sure). But if you were a budget traveler, you can use MRT, alight at Clarke Quay, find an exit heading to New Bridge Road, just cross the street to find Hongkong Street, it's just a little steps more so you can find the building. I tried bus number 80, and it stop right in front of the building. You can find the bus at HarbourFront or Vivo City.
The rate : just surf on this site www.fivestoneshostel.com
2. I took Air Asia flight in a promo price Rp650.000 for round trip. Quite cheap, but my friends found it with Rp400.000. So for the flight, it depends on how lucky you are. But just remember, price pays the services. Better price, better service *smile*. The Air Asia is at terminal 1, so if you want to get on an MRT, you have to go to terminal 2 by sky train. For short, just follow the sign. If get lost, just ask *grin*. For MRT, you will need to buy ezlink. It's S$12 with S$5 as card price, and S$7 for the travel fare. Don't forget to take the map so you know where to depart and alight.
3. USS. I bought USS ticket from my friend. She bought it through the official website at www.rwsentosa.com/Attractions/UniversalStudiosSingapore with a promo price for S$60. And also it came with a bundling ticket for Maritime Experiential Museum.
How to get there : The cheapest is boardwalking. You just have to pay S$1 at the Sentosa Gate. And if you got back with Sentosa Express, it would be free of charge *happy*. For further information, just check this site www.rwsentosa.com/language/en-US/HowToGetThere
From Sentosa Gate, you just need to follow the road sign that will guide you to USS Gate. Before entering USS, you will see a giant globe of Universal Studio, the same as you always saw in the movies. Most of the visitors will take photos here.
After entering USS, you have to take the map, so you know where to start first. There are 7 zones with its own specialities. Hollywood, Madagascar, Far-Far Away, The Lost World, Ancient Egypt, Sci-Fi City and New York. It would be better if you take the clockwise-route, or counter-clockwise. I mean, a same direction route will be easier to handle, and will save your time. At each zones, you can play on some rides that will give you a new atmosphere. From Indonesia, I've tried Dunia Fantasi and Trans Studio Makassar. But, playing in USS will enrich your experiences.
Tips from the house :
a. Foods and drinks are quite expensive here, but don't worry because some rides provide tap water. So you just need to bring empty bottle with you and you can refill the water for free. Don't forget to drink as much as you can to keep you off from dehydration. For foods, you can bring breads that won't weight you bag. Or if breads are not enough, you can go out from USS (don't forget to ask for stamp on your hand). Near the USS Gate, you will find Malaysian Hawker Food. It's cheaper than inside USS and it's also available with Halal foods. I tried Biryani Rice with fish for S$6. Delicious (or I was just that starving)
b. On The Lost World Zones, you can ride Jurassic Park Rapids Adventure. But remember, it will make you wet, even soaked. You have two options. First, if you bring another clothes, just keep your bag and other precious at the locker for S$4 / hour. Or, you can buy a poncho for S$3 and it will keep you wet-free, which means worry-free *smile*. I suggest you to buy the poncho. The best is you bring that poncho from home
c. If you are Moslem, don't worry, you can find a prayer room in Ancient Egypt. It just a little bit hidden behind Revenge Of The Mummy. It's a small building, but quite clean and cold.
d. Toilet is available everywhere in most of every zones *smile*
e. Every afternoon, many street shows or stage performance will be held. Don't forget to see the schedule. Stores in every zones will provide the schedule copy.
f. Save your money so you can comeback again to USS ... hehehe .. I am not being paid by saying this. But I love how they built the ambience of every movies from Universal Studio. By the way, at the end of this year, a new studio for Sesame Street will be built. So if you were a fans, start saving your money!!! *smile*
4. Singapore itself
souvenirs : come to Chinatown, or Bugis, or Orchard. Those places sell many kinds of souvenir from Singapore. Keychains, T-shirts, Mugs, Pens, or others you name it! The price is depend how good you are on bargaining. Some says, Chinatown is the cheapest one for souvenirs.
sight-seeing :
a. Orchard : Where famous mall took place. Nge-Ann City, Wisma Atria, Ion Orchard, Isetan, or even Lucky Plaza. Many tourists come to Ion Orchard to take a picture in front of the famous colorful statue. You can also try eating Singapore Ice Cream just as cheap as S$1. Walk to Lucky Plaza you can find souvenir shops too. If you are craving for Indonesian food, you can find it here at Lucky Plaza
b. Sentosa Island : actually USS is in the area of Sentosa, called Resort World Sentosa. But, if you were not that fancy of amusement parks, you still can choose other attractions in other areas of Sentosa Island. There are a lot of choices of shows you can enjoy. For more info, just visit www.sentosa.com.sg/en/
c. Marina Bay Sands : It's a hotel. But there's sky park on the top of it. You can buy ticket to enter, if you're not a guest
d. Garden By The Bay : Never been there. But from the look itself, it's so beautiful.
e. Merlion : This one is Merlion that can shoot out water from the mouth. The other is in Sentosa. If you want to go here, you can take MRT and alight at City Hall or Raffles Place.
Well for conclusion, Singapore is a tourist-friendly country. It's safe and comfortable. And you can get a lot of informations from the internet. My 3-days is an excited new experience for me. Hope you enjoy yourself in Singapore too
How to get there : The cheapest is boardwalking. You just have to pay S$1 at the Sentosa Gate. And if you got back with Sentosa Express, it would be free of charge *happy*. For further information, just check this site www.rwsentosa.com/language/en-US/HowToGetThere
From Sentosa Gate, you just need to follow the road sign that will guide you to USS Gate. Before entering USS, you will see a giant globe of Universal Studio, the same as you always saw in the movies. Most of the visitors will take photos here.
After entering USS, you have to take the map, so you know where to start first. There are 7 zones with its own specialities. Hollywood, Madagascar, Far-Far Away, The Lost World, Ancient Egypt, Sci-Fi City and New York. It would be better if you take the clockwise-route, or counter-clockwise. I mean, a same direction route will be easier to handle, and will save your time. At each zones, you can play on some rides that will give you a new atmosphere. From Indonesia, I've tried Dunia Fantasi and Trans Studio Makassar. But, playing in USS will enrich your experiences.
Tips from the house :
a. Foods and drinks are quite expensive here, but don't worry because some rides provide tap water. So you just need to bring empty bottle with you and you can refill the water for free. Don't forget to drink as much as you can to keep you off from dehydration. For foods, you can bring breads that won't weight you bag. Or if breads are not enough, you can go out from USS (don't forget to ask for stamp on your hand). Near the USS Gate, you will find Malaysian Hawker Food. It's cheaper than inside USS and it's also available with Halal foods. I tried Biryani Rice with fish for S$6. Delicious (or I was just that starving)
b. On The Lost World Zones, you can ride Jurassic Park Rapids Adventure. But remember, it will make you wet, even soaked. You have two options. First, if you bring another clothes, just keep your bag and other precious at the locker for S$4 / hour. Or, you can buy a poncho for S$3 and it will keep you wet-free, which means worry-free *smile*. I suggest you to buy the poncho. The best is you bring that poncho from home
c. If you are Moslem, don't worry, you can find a prayer room in Ancient Egypt. It just a little bit hidden behind Revenge Of The Mummy. It's a small building, but quite clean and cold.
d. Toilet is available everywhere in most of every zones *smile*
e. Every afternoon, many street shows or stage performance will be held. Don't forget to see the schedule. Stores in every zones will provide the schedule copy.
f. Save your money so you can comeback again to USS ... hehehe .. I am not being paid by saying this. But I love how they built the ambience of every movies from Universal Studio. By the way, at the end of this year, a new studio for Sesame Street will be built. So if you were a fans, start saving your money!!! *smile*
4. Singapore itself
souvenirs : come to Chinatown, or Bugis, or Orchard. Those places sell many kinds of souvenir from Singapore. Keychains, T-shirts, Mugs, Pens, or others you name it! The price is depend how good you are on bargaining. Some says, Chinatown is the cheapest one for souvenirs.
sight-seeing :
a. Orchard : Where famous mall took place. Nge-Ann City, Wisma Atria, Ion Orchard, Isetan, or even Lucky Plaza. Many tourists come to Ion Orchard to take a picture in front of the famous colorful statue. You can also try eating Singapore Ice Cream just as cheap as S$1. Walk to Lucky Plaza you can find souvenir shops too. If you are craving for Indonesian food, you can find it here at Lucky Plaza
b. Sentosa Island : actually USS is in the area of Sentosa, called Resort World Sentosa. But, if you were not that fancy of amusement parks, you still can choose other attractions in other areas of Sentosa Island. There are a lot of choices of shows you can enjoy. For more info, just visit www.sentosa.com.sg/en/
c. Marina Bay Sands : It's a hotel. But there's sky park on the top of it. You can buy ticket to enter, if you're not a guest
d. Garden By The Bay : Never been there. But from the look itself, it's so beautiful.
e. Merlion : This one is Merlion that can shoot out water from the mouth. The other is in Sentosa. If you want to go here, you can take MRT and alight at City Hall or Raffles Place.
Well for conclusion, Singapore is a tourist-friendly country. It's safe and comfortable. And you can get a lot of informations from the internet. My 3-days is an excited new experience for me. Hope you enjoy yourself in Singapore too
Thursday, 11 October 2012
The Prep(aration?) #6 - Change of Plan
He will go to London from October, 30th - November, 6th
Means .... The proposing plan must change, either after he finish his job or before he leaves to London
So ...
I've been so busy with reschedule my flight and his family to Palembang
The changes are :
1. His family will come next weekend (YES!! A WEEK AWAY) due to his job on November, 3rd
2. One person has canceled the flight, so I have to handle the refund which will take 3 weeks *sadsad*
Now, everything has settled better (I hope) until next weekend
For this weekend, I will go to Singapore (crazy, huh?)
Yeah, I can't cancel the flight because I've prepared all things to Singapore since January --"
Or if I dare to cancel, Yessika and Iin will kill me :(
I'll leave all the rest to him, in dealing with his mom
I'll leave the things about the wedding to my mom (just for this 3 days)
Well anyway, basically I need to refresh myself
I'm tired with the job
And these weeks lately have been a roller-coaster for me
Wish us the best!!!
him: Yuk, October, 30th til November, 6th I will go to London with the president
me : In what occasion?
him: Mr. President is invited by The Queen
him: Dunno
him: *flat-face*
me: I'm the one who adore him, and you had the chance to see him :(
He will go to London from October, 30th - November, 6th
Means .... The proposing plan must change, either after he finish his job or before he leaves to London
So ...
I've been so busy with reschedule my flight and his family to Palembang
The changes are :
1. His family will come next weekend (YES!! A WEEK AWAY) due to his job on November, 3rd
2. One person has canceled the flight, so I have to handle the refund which will take 3 weeks *sadsad*
Now, everything has settled better (I hope) until next weekend
For this weekend, I will go to Singapore (crazy, huh?)
Yeah, I can't cancel the flight because I've prepared all things to Singapore since January --"
Or if I dare to cancel, Yessika and Iin will kill me :(
I'll leave all the rest to him, in dealing with his mom
I'll leave the things about the wedding to my mom (just for this 3 days)
Well anyway, basically I need to refresh myself
I'm tired with the job
And these weeks lately have been a roller-coaster for me
Wish us the best!!!
him: Yuk, October, 30th til November, 6th I will go to London with the president
me : In what occasion?
him: Mr. President is invited by The Queen
him: Dunno
him: *flat-face*
me: I'm the one who adore him, and you had the chance to see him :(
Tuesday, 9 October 2012
The Prep(aration?) #5 - The Plan
Well ... things have settled better now
I've talked to my mom, she said that we can't have that wedding so soon
My mom gave us some options, either the wedding will be held on April or his sister can do the wedding first
So then, I talked to his mom and she accepted the first plan, which also our very first plan
Everybody is happy ... yay !!!!
Here is the plan now
Him and his family will come to Palembang on November, 3rd
We'll have some conversations about the wedding day and etc
I have proposed April 6th, 2013
Why? *smile*
It's 2nd anniversary of our first meeting in Bali
(read about our story here)
ahhhh ... I hope we can return to Bali soon enough *kisskiss*
Though, April 6th is not an official day yet ... Please do save the date!
Our wedding will be held in Palembang ... So saving as much as you can *biggrin*
We would be delightful if you could come and celebrate our wedding
Wish us the best
I'll keep on updating you about our wedding frequently
him: Yuk, transfer pulsa 10 ribu bisa ga? buat internet
me : ok ... bayar dong
him: pake cinta ya?
me : berapa kontainer?
him: kontainer doang mah gak cukup. Kan cintanya tak terbatas
me : *biggrin*
I've talked to my mom, she said that we can't have that wedding so soon
My mom gave us some options, either the wedding will be held on April or his sister can do the wedding first
So then, I talked to his mom and she accepted the first plan, which also our very first plan
Everybody is happy ... yay !!!!
Here is the plan now
Him and his family will come to Palembang on November, 3rd
We'll have some conversations about the wedding day and etc
I have proposed April 6th, 2013
Why? *smile*
It's 2nd anniversary of our first meeting in Bali
(read about our story here)
ahhhh ... I hope we can return to Bali soon enough *kisskiss*
Though, April 6th is not an official day yet ... Please do save the date!
Our wedding will be held in Palembang ... So saving as much as you can *biggrin*
We would be delightful if you could come and celebrate our wedding
Wish us the best
I'll keep on updating you about our wedding frequently
him: Yuk, transfer pulsa 10 ribu bisa ga? buat internet
me : ok ... bayar dong
him: pake cinta ya?
me : berapa kontainer?
him: kontainer doang mah gak cukup. Kan cintanya tak terbatas
Us at Taman Safari (it's a fortune that I can take his pic. He did it under my pressure) |
Monday, 8 October 2012
The Prep(aration?) #4 - Fast and Furious
So ... the condition is a lil bit complicated now
My mom is even more furious about us than me. She kept calling me asking about when his parents would come to Palembang
On the other hand, I just knew that his sister (also) has been proposed as he proposed me to my parents, got that, yes?
So ... I spoke with his mom yesterday and Mama told me about that
This thing between him and his sister is also a complicated one for Mama
Now I don't know what-to-do
Culture in Java once said that a family can't have two marriages on same year
Actually, as he is the oldest, he has a prerogative to get married in the first place
And his mom also support this, as in Java, children should be married in birth-order
The biggest thing now is his mom wonder if I could speak to my parents and told them about me and him get married before mid November!!!
Why? because it's before Islamic New Year, so it will be counted as a different year if his sister got married after us
So the choices are us first or us later :'(
I'll talk to my mom first about all this
Wish us the best
me : How come you read book while I was talking to Mama?
him: *flat-face*
My mom is even more furious about us than me. She kept calling me asking about when his parents would come to Palembang
On the other hand, I just knew that his sister (also) has been proposed as he proposed me to my parents, got that, yes?
So ... I spoke with his mom yesterday and Mama told me about that
This thing between him and his sister is also a complicated one for Mama
Now I don't know what-to-do
Culture in Java once said that a family can't have two marriages on same year
Actually, as he is the oldest, he has a prerogative to get married in the first place
And his mom also support this, as in Java, children should be married in birth-order
The biggest thing now is his mom wonder if I could speak to my parents and told them about me and him get married before mid November!!!
Why? because it's before Islamic New Year, so it will be counted as a different year if his sister got married after us
So the choices are us first or us later :'(
I'll talk to my mom first about all this
Wish us the best
me : How come you read book while I was talking to Mama?
him: *flat-face*
Friday, 5 October 2012
The Prep(aration?) #3 - No QED
as I've been so busy in Bandung ...
- I'm too tired to update my blog
- I forgot our 15 months on October, 3rd. As I forgot, he wouldn't even remember *sigh*
Well anyway, no further movement on our prep, since we haven't decided D-Day
But I have so many things in my mind about the wed, which unfortunately still have to wait the final decision that will be made by our parents *sigh*
Wish us the best luck
@safitriamelia : hooooiii @yudhietop
*no response*
@safitriamelia : qaqaq @yudhietop .... ooooooooiiiiii :D
*still no response*
why he's so serious?????
- I'm too tired to update my blog
- I forgot our 15 months on October, 3rd. As I forgot, he wouldn't even remember *sigh*
Well anyway, no further movement on our prep, since we haven't decided D-Day
But I have so many things in my mind about the wed, which unfortunately still have to wait the final decision that will be made by our parents *sigh*
Wish us the best luck
@safitriamelia : hooooiii @yudhietop
*no response*
@safitriamelia : qaqaq @yudhietop .... ooooooooiiiiii :D
*still no response*
why he's so serious?????
Tuesday, 2 October 2012
The Prep(aration?) #2 - Early Prep
It's almost midnight in Bandung
yeah .. for today until thursday I have a short course for photography
I'm sleepy but got to finish my work first
I've called him ... And as always, our communication thru wire is not as good as face-to-face communication
Frankly speaking, I kinda miss him *sadsad*
Last night before I went to Bandung, we've spent couple hours eating Italian food and chatting about the prep
aghhhrrr ... I'm so gonna be a bridezilla ... But, I'm so excited
Am a weirdo, huh? *gringrin*
And also I have to check the things-to-do list that I've downloaded from offbeatbride.com yesterday
And I'm going to start writing about my prep, everyday *biggrin*
And also, I force him to help me running this blog, EVERYDAY *haha*
yeah .. for today until thursday I have a short course for photography
I'm sleepy but got to finish my work first
I've called him ... And as always, our communication thru wire is not as good as face-to-face communication
Frankly speaking, I kinda miss him *sadsad*
Last night before I went to Bandung, we've spent couple hours eating Italian food and chatting about the prep
aghhhrrr ... I'm so gonna be a bridezilla ... But, I'm so excited
Am a weirdo, huh? *gringrin*
And also I have to check the things-to-do list that I've downloaded from offbeatbride.com yesterday
And I'm going to start writing about my prep, everyday *biggrin*
And also, I force him to help me running this blog, EVERYDAY *haha*
Monday, 1 October 2012
The Prep(aration?) #1 - Bridezilla
It's been a while since my last post *wink*
Last weekend, we (me and him) went to Palembang *wink*
Well .. we'd been planning some couple weeks to flew back home, and i'm so very much nervous to meet my parents
and as always, he flat-faced all the things that might be happened ..... arghhhggg
So here we go,
the meeting run well ... and my parents was just llike the other parents .. is possessively rule our planning --"
as the first child, my mom is extremely excited and extremely gonna make me get headache
my father ... just like the other father (i guess) ... gave us some advices and left the rest to us ... whom he thought are grown-ups ...
we haven't decided the exact time ... my parents and his parent will meet soon enough
i guess my headache will come often, starts from now ... and i guess i'm gonna be a bridezilla :'(
wish us both all the luck ..... fighting!!!! *smile smile smile*
Last weekend, we (me and him) went to Palembang *wink*
Well .. we'd been planning some couple weeks to flew back home, and i'm so very much nervous to meet my parents
and as always, he flat-faced all the things that might be happened ..... arghhhggg
So here we go,
the meeting run well ... and my parents was just llike the other parents .. is possessively rule our planning --"
as the first child, my mom is extremely excited and extremely gonna make me get headache
my father ... just like the other father (i guess) ... gave us some advices and left the rest to us ... whom he thought are grown-ups ...
we haven't decided the exact time ... my parents and his parent will meet soon enough
i guess my headache will come often, starts from now ... and i guess i'm gonna be a bridezilla :'(
wish us both all the luck ..... fighting!!!! *smile smile smile*
Thursday, 16 August 2012
SOTD #7 - The Wait is Over
Last night he said, he'll come to Palembang after Ied Fitr #biggrin
Can't wait !!!!!! #heartbeat
#biggrin #again
Can't wait !!!!!! #heartbeat
#biggrin #again
Thursday, 5 July 2012
SOTD #6 - Long Lost Forgotten Anniversary
We were (supposed to be) celebrating our anniversary on July, 3rd
But .... *sigh* (there's always but)
He was having meeting at the office
When I met him,
Me : Kamu tau gak aku ngambek kemaren? #drama
Him: Ya sedikit
Me: -___________- What's that "sedikit"? Kenapa hayo ... Apa yang kamu lupain gak?
Him: hemf...ga ada kayaknya
Me: *diem*
Him: Apaan sih? ya ngomong aja
Me: Masak kamu lupa....!!! Yesterday was our anniversary!!!
Him:Oh iya.... selamet ya
Me: -___________- I've planned everything and it's ruinned!
Him: Eh benter, gue ke ATM dulu ya
Me: *he didn't listen*
*it's always a waste trying to be mad at him*
But .... *sigh* (there's always but)
He was having meeting at the office
When I met him,
Me : Kamu tau gak aku ngambek kemaren? #drama
Him: Ya sedikit
Me: -___________- What's that "sedikit"? Kenapa hayo ... Apa yang kamu lupain gak?
Him: hemf...ga ada kayaknya
Me: *diem*
Him: Apaan sih? ya ngomong aja
Me: Masak kamu lupa....!!! Yesterday was our anniversary!!!
Him:Oh iya.... selamet ya
Me: -___________- I've planned everything and it's ruinned!
Him: Eh benter, gue ke ATM dulu ya
Me: *he didn't listen*
*it's always a waste trying to be mad at him*
Monday, 11 June 2012
SOTD #5 - Mirror Mirror on the Wall
I watched "Snow White and The Huntsman", starring Kristen Stewart, Charlize Theron and Chris Hemsworth
For me, I Love the twist in the story. I mean, it gives a fresh look for "the-ordinary-one"
Since I was a kid, I love fairytale from Disney, Snow White is one of them
But, there was only one thing annoyed me. Unfortunately, it's Kristen Stewart
Her expressions were so plain. When she's sad, angry, or happy, she showed the same-type of expressions
Who's with me? :P
But, I still love the movie ... (and also William --, )
Mirror Mirror on the wall
Who's the fairest of them all?
Him : What kind of spell is that?
Me : Didn't you read the story?
Him : Yeah. But still, what kind of spell is that? what language? Weird
Me : --"
For me, I Love the twist in the story. I mean, it gives a fresh look for "the-ordinary-one"
Since I was a kid, I love fairytale from Disney, Snow White is one of them
But, there was only one thing annoyed me. Unfortunately, it's Kristen Stewart
Her expressions were so plain. When she's sad, angry, or happy, she showed the same-type of expressions
Who's with me? :P
But, I still love the movie ... (and also William --, )
Mirror Mirror on the wall
Who's the fairest of them all?
Him : What kind of spell is that?
Me : Didn't you read the story?
Him : Yeah. But still, what kind of spell is that? what language? Weird
Me : --"
Monday, 4 June 2012
SOTD #4 - My Birthday
I celebrated my 24th birthday last Monday
At 5:10 PM
Him : Udah selesai kerjanya?
Me : Yes, kamu?
Him : Udah juga
Me : Oke. aku turun ya
we went to Bakoel Koffie, a place of our first date :P
Me : Tumben, selesainya cepet banget?
Him : Ya, dibela-belain lah
Me : **berkaca-kaca**
He also remained silent even when I "drag" him to Grand Indonesia. And he accepted my offer to eat Sushi
At 5:10 PM
Him : Udah selesai kerjanya?
Me : Yes, kamu?
Him : Udah juga
Me : Oke. aku turun ya
we went to Bakoel Koffie, a place of our first date :P
Me : Tumben, selesainya cepet banget?
Him : Ya, dibela-belain lah
Me : **berkaca-kaca**
He also remained silent even when I "drag" him to Grand Indonesia. And he accepted my offer to eat Sushi
Monday, 30 April 2012
SOTD #3 - The Refusal
I "made" him lunch ... not exactly self-made
Me : How was the lunch?
Him: Enak. Emang bikin sendiri? Emang sempat pagi-pagi? Beli ya?
Me : #jleb1 Aku bikin sendiri. Sempat-sempat aja
Him: Ga mungkin. Pasti beli
Me : #jleb2 ...
Him: Gudeg gitu. Makanan Palembang aja belom tentu bisa bikin
Me : #jleb3 ...
Him: Beli kan?
Me : #jleb4 ih ... iya ga bikin sendiri. tapi ga beli. tapi itu aku yang nyusun di lunch box kok #ngaku
Him: Tuh kan
Me : Emang kalo aku bikin sendiri kenapa?
Him: #kemudianhening
"ps: I made him pasta once. He declined to eat all things I cooked since then T_T"
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
SOTD #2 - BOOBy Trap
Me: Nonton apa?
Him: Kamu mau apa?
Me: Hemf ... Battleship ya? ato Mirror-Mirror ?
Him: Alien ya? itu battleship. males ah
Me: Trus nonton apa?
Him: Nenek Gayung aja yok?
Me: %78H*$#56@$
--- 30 minutes later ---
Me: I can't recognize the movie star. and it's all about boobs!
Him: Itu Tata Sivex #tunjuktunjuk
Me: Tata who ???!! #%^$*$9@$%345
"ps: no wonder he chose this movie. It's a BOOBy trap. Boys!!"
Him: Kamu mau apa?
Me: Hemf ... Battleship ya? ato Mirror-Mirror ?
Him: Alien ya? itu battleship. males ah
Me: Trus nonton apa?
Him: Nenek Gayung aja yok?
Me: %78H*$#56@$
--- 30 minutes later ---
Me: I can't recognize the movie star. and it's all about boobs!
Him: Itu Tata Sivex #tunjuktunjuk
Me: Tata who ???!! #%^$*$9@$%345
"ps: no wonder he chose this movie. It's a BOOBy trap. Boys!!"
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
Story of a boy meets a girl
I haven't updated my blog since January
Life is kinda busy here, in real world :D
i'm going to tell you a story. This is a story of boy meets girl
there was a boy. a loner.
he was waiting for sun to rise upon a shore in Bali, then he's ready to start some works
he's some kind of writer, a serious one
he was invited by a ministy to write something about it's event
then the sun has arisen ... he smiled and back to hotel for breakfast
he knew, that day would be same-old-day, same-old routine
he was wrong .. and he knew he was wrong ...right until he saw a girl
there she was a girl. a clown for her friends, she thinks
full spirit to accomplished all of her duties for today
she loves Bali so bad, and she couldn't wait to explore Bali, after the job
She checked her camera and did some photographs around
Swimming Pool, trees, friends, and wait a sec ... she looked at something .. no, a person
she blinked, he's gone, her friend called
he knew, his life wouldn't be the same anymore
he was shy, he hid in toilet, until his friend asked why
nothing he said. and he went breakfast
his mind playing tricks on him, he shaked his head to wash away the shadow
but suddenly
she was asked to meet some new teams-mate in Bali
she was cheerly introduce herself
she gasped
"Amelia" it's her name, that girl
she digged her memory deeper, and she found this face of "Yudi"
a long-hair-eye-glasses man
the angel, a veiled-girl with camera, that girl
she, whose face tricked his mind
The story didn't come to an end
it's already a year after the beginning
you know, life is overatted, so is love
for me, story of boy meets girl is always be a love story
Life is kinda busy here, in real world :D
i'm going to tell you a story. This is a story of boy meets girl
there was a boy. a loner.
he was waiting for sun to rise upon a shore in Bali, then he's ready to start some works
he's some kind of writer, a serious one
he was invited by a ministy to write something about it's event
then the sun has arisen ... he smiled and back to hotel for breakfast
he knew, that day would be same-old-day, same-old routine
he was wrong .. and he knew he was wrong ...right until he saw a girl
there she was a girl. a clown for her friends, she thinks
full spirit to accomplished all of her duties for today
she loves Bali so bad, and she couldn't wait to explore Bali, after the job
She checked her camera and did some photographs around
Swimming Pool, trees, friends, and wait a sec ... she looked at something .. no, a person
she blinked, he's gone, her friend called
he knew, his life wouldn't be the same anymore
he was shy, he hid in toilet, until his friend asked why
nothing he said. and he went breakfast
his mind playing tricks on him, he shaked his head to wash away the shadow
but suddenly
she was asked to meet some new teams-mate in Bali
she was cheerly introduce herself
she gasped
"Amelia" it's her name, that girl
she digged her memory deeper, and she found this face of "Yudi"
a long-hair-eye-glasses man
the angel, a veiled-girl with camera, that girl
she, whose face tricked his mind
The story didn't come to an end
it's already a year after the beginning
you know, life is overatted, so is love
for me, story of boy meets girl is always be a love story
Sunday, 22 January 2012
SOTD #1 - Path of Future
Me: Emang Kita Pacaran?
Him: Enggak
Me: Trus, kita ngapain dong?
Him: Gak tau
Me: Trus, kalo bukan pacar, aku apanya kamu?
Him: Calon istri
Percakapan selesai, diiringi bendera putih :P
Him: Enggak
Me: Trus, kita ngapain dong?
Him: Gak tau
Me: Trus, kalo bukan pacar, aku apanya kamu?
Him: Calon istri
Percakapan selesai, diiringi bendera putih :P
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