Sunday, 18 November 2012

The WedPrep #7 - flatness

Research on websites was making me sick
So I decided to visit some vendors for cards and souvenirs
This weekend, I got 4 days off from office and I have planned 2 days for searching 
We went to Jatinegara and Kelapa Gading
Now, a new problem came
Too many options made me confused
Plus the weather was so very hot and I can't stand it
But I've saved some phone numbers so I can contact 

Next week, there'll will be wedding festival at JCC
I have talked to him to accompany me coming and he agree (of course!)

Last night, suddenly thoughts crossed my mind
I think about my future with him and I feel insecure
Can I live happily ever after?
Can we be a good parents for our (future) baby(ies) ?
Can I be a good wife?
Can I be a good mom?
Will he love me until the end of time?
Et Cetera ....

It's maybe caused by my period
Sometimes, I'm being too sensitive in my period time

Arranging the wedding should be full of fun
Maybe I pushed myself to hard
I just need to control my mind better *sigh*
I was planning to have a little break with him
No ... I mean that maybe I need a time alone or with my friends
Maybe I just don't know what to speak to him
I don't know how to communicate well in this level of sensitivity
Yeah right, communication student that can't communicate *sigh*

Monday, 12 November 2012

The WedPrep #6 - exhausted

I give up to make my wedding simple
Long before, I decided to make the reception in a simple way
As I always saw in some wedding website
I once thought to or choose the decorations by my own
Pick the color as I wished
Make my own invitation cards and choose the souvenirs as much as the budget I have

But, since my parents have arranged
The decorations, The wedding dress and others will be done in traditional way
We'll wear Aesan Gede, traditional dress of Palembang
And the decorations will also be done in that way
So all I need is to endure myself not too stubborn in making some changes (or many) *sigh*
The bad news is I still can't choose the design for my wedding card
Or worse, I also still can't decide the souvenirs

Now, it's already less than 5 months
Only 10 % ready from 100 (which 10 is that I've picked date and place)
Allah, give me strength *cry*

Sometimes I wished that I don't have to think about every body else
So I can make it simpler, cheaper and easier
So I don't have to spend my time to think all about the preparations all the time
Now, I feel exhausted even before the day comes *sigh*

Last weekend, me, him and my parents went to Mangga Dua
My dad insisted to order the souvenirs at that time
Fortunately, I also insist to check some other places to compare from prices and quality
And my dad agreed
@dwhyr has finished the card's design ... It's so cute *smile*
Now I just have to check for prices if I want to print it on a Songket

Today I've been doing some researches on some wedding website
I also text many cards and souvenirs vendors
Wish us luck!!!

me : What do you want for the souvenirs? I think about photo holder or pen holder
him: ...
me : glass?
him: too ordinary
me : pen? notebook?
him: too ordinary
me : small purse?
him: too ordinary
me : so what?
him: .... *flatface* ... I don't know
me : grrrrrrrrrrrrr --"

Thursday, 8 November 2012


After not seeing him for 8 days, I terribly miss him a lot *grin*
We met yesterday and I can't help myself to smile every time I  saw him
He came to Depok in the night
We ate Meat ball and he ate so much
He showed me his pictures in London
It relieved me that he bought new scarf, winter glove, jacket, and fedora hat
Now someone is already know how to dress up well
He's so gorgeous ... for me (Yeah .. I guess I'm the only on enchanted by his weirdness *grin*)

me : Will you wear your fedora when we hang out?
him: Ok 
me : woooooooooowww .... Magiccc!!! Now you know how to dress well ...

Tuesday, 6 November 2012


He's home today *smile*
I'm extremely happy because tomorrow I can meet him
I've lost for words to say ... HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY

Monday, 5 November 2012

The WedPrep #5 - 5 more months

It's weird that I am now in a condition of losing the passion to plan my wedding
So dangerous :(
Since he left, I got cough and cold ... My body is so overrated *sigh*
Tomorrow will be counted as less-than-5-months to my wedding day
My mom kept calling me asking about the invitation design, which I haven't got yet
So if I didn't have it till next week, my parents will also take the lead *dead*

Now, I decide to make checklist ... and running my checklist every monday
At least, I have something to love on monday *grin*
@dwhyr has planned to design my invitation in couple days as I gave her the wording
@niwadesu made me a new picture, which is extremely cute *biggrin*
I love it so much

me : You went to two countries I love most
him: Yeah ... You've told me, right?
me : How much did you miss me?
him: Much ... I've told you, right?
me : Riiiighhhhhhttttttt ggrrrrrrrrr .......