Friday, 15 August 2008


I went to Bali last week
I was one of the LO's for the 2008 Asian Science Camp
At first, I guessed it would be so dull. But there was so much fun
I stayed in Sanur, Inna Grand Hotel. A nice hotel nearby Sanur beach
It's so windy in Sanur, so you can do parasailing here
I spent a week in the hotel and not going anywhere (because of the job)
but I met a lot of friends such as Zach, Lia, Syai, Zulaikha, Isan, Bagus, Hari, Palguna, Veni, Dek Yani....and many more
really nice to meet you guys!!!

so Sanur gets the sunrise. I woke up early just to catch the sunrise and took the picture of it
I love the glowing
If you walked along Sanur beach, sand is everywhere. Yes it is a sandy beach
Fortunately, my last day working is the day of Sanur Beach Festival
I joined the fun bike riding through all Sanur Village. It's so quite here, not as crowded as Kuta

So then, here we goes with Kuta
I spent 3 days in Kuta. Kuta is so very crowded with the peoples, the hotels, the beach, and of course, the clubs
Most of the peoples love Kuta, because of the beach is suitable for surfers. A wavy-windy beach
I tried body boarding here (since i'm not allowed to do surfing), and body boarding made me browner hihihihi
Legian is at the same area with Kuta. Legian-Kuta is so famous as crowded and jammed in most of the day

Actually, I really want to do diving in Bali. but since, none of my friends is licensed as diver, so I have to suspend my passion. A friend of mine suggested me to come to Tulamben. It's 3 hours car-driving. Unfortunately, none of my friend would like to accompany me... so sad

To heal my broken heart, my cousin took me to Jimbaran, a place where you can eat seafoods all the time, along the Jimbaran beach
you can ask for fried, grilled, boiled....anything you name it
You can find fishes, squids, scallops, shrimps, prawns....any seafoods
So it's very recommended if you are a seafood lover
just one sacrifice you have to do that your clothes will be so stink because of the smoke

At love shopping
Sukawati has so very much variety of things...bags, clothes, shoes, necklaces, bracelets, foods, drinks, almost anything
And also, it's so cheap ....if you are good in suggestion, always start with at least 50%
If you are lucky and so good in bargaining, you can get a Rp.100.000 bag for just Rp.25.000
Sounds nice, huh???
So happy bargaining here

 day i'll return here
cos, i've left my heart in Bali

Friday, 16 May 2008


Raja Ampat, Sang Penyelamat dari Timur
Raja Ampat berarti empat Raja, berawal dari abad ke – 15 saat Sultan Tidore merujuk kepada empat pulau yaitu Misool, Salawati, Batanta dan Waigeo. Raja Ampat berada di barat bagian kepala burung dan merupakan pemekaran kabupaten Sorong. Luas wilayahnya ±46.000 kilometer persegi, 85 persen merupakan luas laut, sisanya merupakan daratan. Raja Ampat terdiri dari 610 pulau, dimana hanya 35 pulau yang berpenghuni, sisanya tidak berpenghuni dan sebagian besar tak bernama. Raja Ampat merupakan rumah bagi 75 persen total spesies karang dunia dan tempat hidup bagi 1.125 spesies ikan karang.
Tidak berlebihan bila Raja Ampat disebut sebagai surga bagi penyelam. Seorang pakar kelautan Australia Dr. Gerard Allen mencatat bahwa dalam satu titik penyelaman saja, penyelam dapat menemukan 283 jenis ikan yang berbeda, dalam waktu 80 menit. Perairan Raja Ampat juga terkenal sebagai habitat bagi beberapa mamalia laut seperti duyung, lumba–lumba, dan paus. Sebuah rayuan yang tentu saja memikat hati penyelam.
Dengan segala “keajaiban” yang terhampar tersebut, sudah sepantasnya Raja Ampat diberi perhatian ekstra agar lingkungan lautnya tetap terjaga. Jika laut Raja Ampat terjaga, berarti ¾ kekayaan bahari dunia pun ikut terjaga. Sayangnya, banyak sekali oknum tak bertanggung jawab yang melakukan eksploitasi tanpa memerhatikan dampak negatifnya pada lingkungan.
Penangkapan ikan secara ilegal menggunakan bom, apotas (istilah lokal bagi sianida), maupun mencungkil karang perlahan–lahan mulai mengoyak “keperawanan” Raja Ampat. Jika terumbu karang dirusak , kelestarian antar ekosistem laut yang saling mempengaruhi pun akan rusak. Pemanasan global tentu tidak akan terelakkan lagi. Selain itu, masyarakat lokal yang 90 persen menggantungkan diri dari sektor perikanan akan sulit mencari ikan.